KripaluJagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj: Our Gurudeva was the personified form of grace.
When it came to giving his grace, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj was notable for his unflinching impartiality to bestow his grace. He persisted in his chore to extend grace to everyone without exception. This unmatched quality gave the impression that grace permeated every aspect of his being, penetrating both his words and actions. He always guides people through his profound teaching which can help people to live their life in a blissful way.
Showering grace wasn’t just work for Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj; it was part of who he was. It evolved into his constant condition, one that persisted whether he was awake or asleep, sitting or standing, or even doing extraterrestrial feats. His example demonstrated how grace was more than simply a habit for him; it was a natural aspect of who he was that he couldn’t help but share with others.
It is important to note that Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’s grace was not a limited commodity. It wasn’t something that would deteriorate over time or wear out through constant giving. Instead, it appeared as though all people who wanted it received it freely from the divine realm through him, as though his grace came from an endless source.
On the way to spiritual enlightenment, it was essential to comprehend and acknowledge the breadth of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’s grace. We get closer to achieving our ultimate aim of realising our connection with the divine the minute we completely understand that his own existence was devoted to the endless giving of grace. His life was about demonstrating to us the deep significance of living a life steeped in grace, not about pulling off spectacular miracles or accomplishing worldly achievements.
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji’s life served as a tangible example of the importance and power of divine grace. His life served as a living example of the idea that grace is more than merely a kind deed; it is a state of perpetual union with God. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj set a magnificent example for all seekers of spiritual truth by exhibiting grace in all facets of his life. May his legacy serve as an inspiration for us to nurture grace within ourselves and to generously extend it to everyone we come in contact with on our quest for self-discovery.