Embracing Devotion in Daily Life: Words of Caution by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

Kripalu Maharaj Bhakti
3 min readMay 30, 2024


We often find ourselves torn between our spiritual aspirations and household duties in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. The moment we step out of the serene spiritual atmosphere, our attitude and tendencies change drastically. The pressure of work and a lack of mindfulness contribute to this shift. However, it is crucial to remember the presence of God and Guru even amidst our daily chores. By maintaining constant awareness of the divine, we can protect ourselves from the detrimental forces of anger, lust, greed, and attachment that threaten to erode our devotion.

To cultivate this awareness, practice chanting the sweet name of Radhe with every breath, synchronizing your inhalation with “Ra” and exhalation with “Dhe”. This practice should become a part of your daily routine. Avoid idle conversations, even with close family members like parents, children, or spouses. Engage in conversations that are purposeful and necessary. Speak less, speak sweetly, and develop tolerance towards all. Respect elders unconditionally, even if they scold you, and show affection and patience towards those younger or junior to you, regardless of their behavior. This is the hallmark of a true sadhaka (spiritual aspirant). By adhering to these principles, your spiritual practice will progress swiftly.

Exercise great caution in your speech. Use sober and restrained language, always mindful that God resides within everyone. As the scriptures state:

आत्मन्येवात्मनातुष्टः सर्वभूतेषु यः पश्येद् भगवद्भावमात्मनः। भूतानि भगवत्यात्मन्येष भागवतोत्तमः ॥ (Bhagavatam 11.2.45)

“One who is satisfied within oneself and sees the presence of God in all beings, and all beings in God, is the supreme devotee.”

And as echoed in the Ramayana:

परपीड़ा सम नहिं अधमायी। parapīdā sama nahim adhamāyī

“There is no greater vileness than causing harm to others.”

Inflicting harm on others is the gravest sin. Therefore, speak less, speak sweetly, and increase your tolerance. Be polite and humble, as this safeguards your treasure of devotion. Anger, lust, greed, and attachment are like overdrawing from a small account. If you earn Rs. 10,000 but spend Rs. 15,000, you will be in financial trouble. Similarly, spiritual gatherings and devotion to God are the earnings of your life, which should not be destabilized but progressively maintained.

In our daily lives, we give immense importance to our physical bodies. Yet, many of us become careless when it comes to our spiritual journey. This negligence can significantly hinder our spiritual progress. Therefore, we must exercise the same care and importance towards our spiritual practices as our physical well-being.

By incorporating these teachings into our lives, we can ensure a balanced approach to our duties and spiritual aspirations. Remember, the essence of true devotion lies in continuous remembrance of God and Guru, tolerance, humility, and controlled speech. By adhering to these principles, we not only protect our devotion but also pave the way for rapid spiritual growth.

Let us strive to embody these teachings in our daily lives, ensuring that our spiritual journey remains uninterrupted and progressive, despite the demands of our household duties. Through constant awareness and disciplined practice, we can achieve a harmonious balance between our worldly responsibilities and spiritual aspirations.



Kripalu Maharaj Bhakti
Kripalu Maharaj Bhakti

Written by Kripalu Maharaj Bhakti

Kripalu Maharaj is a renowned spiritual leader, with a mission to share the knowledge and wisdom of Sanatana Dharma with the world.

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