Kripalu Maharaj Bhakti
4 min readAug 24, 2023


Kripalu Ji Maharaj

Let us consider the case of a Saint. Prior to the attainment of God-realisation, a Saint performs all kinds of actions, both good and bad, and bears the fruits. However, upon becoming God-realised, he ceases to work.

The scriptures declare that a true Saint has no work to do; he is complete in all respects. However, we do observe that Saints perform all kinds of work. For example, the great devotee Prahlada ruled the entire world for millions of years. Similarly, many other Saints entered into matrimony, had children, and participated. in battles, like Arjuna, etc. All the actions they performed seemed to be material in nature, whereas it is said that a true Saint needs to do nothing at all. Why is this so?

Every individual in this world performs any action only for the attainment of happiness. Having found the source of joy and fulfilment, a Saint no longer works to seek happiness.

However, the scriptures state that a Saint performs all types of actions. Even God when He descends on this planet performs all kinds of actions. Lord Rama stayed on the earth for 11,000 years and Shri Krishna stayed for 130 years. Many Saints remained in this world even after God-realisation and performed all kinds of good and bad actions. However, their actions were all performed by yogamaya, a personal power of God which is beyond Maya. All their actions are therefore performed without attachment and are only done for the benefit of suffering souls like us.

As long as we are under the influence of Maya, we shall continue to have feelings of either love or hate (raag-dvesh) in the world. The root cause of all our suffering is roog-dvesh. However, God is beyond raag-dvesh.

In the Gita, Lord Krishna says,

“I neither love nor hate anyone; I look upon all creatures equally

Similarly, a true Saint neither loves nor hates anyone. He is an embodiment of causeless mercy and grace, therefore whatever he does is only grace and nothing else. It is, however, impossible for us to fully understand and comprehend his graceful nature due to our ignorance.

Observe the behaviour of a mother in this world. She loves and embraces her child, but she also slaps him if he does anything wrong. Her reason for doing so is that she wants her child to become a person of good character, as well as someone who loves God. Thus, what can appear to us as punishment is actually a form of grace, as she only has the best interests of the child in mind. Now consider if a worldly mother can perform an act of grace, then it would only be natural that God and the Saints would do nothing else but grace the suffering souls of this world, though their ways may be strange to us.

Thus, Shri Radha Krishna, as well as Saints have no other aim or desire except to grace. Every action they perform is solely with the aim of bestowing causeless grace and mercy upon suffering souls; to immerse souls in the limitless ocean of divine love by shattering their ignorance and bondage for all eternity. In fact, they endeavour to break our attachment to the material world and take us towards God.

Shri Krishna killed many demons like Aghasura, Bakasura and Putna, etc. but these actions were all acts of grace because they all attained His divine abode, Goloka, In other words, God can do nothing except shower grace. If He loves someone, it is grace and if He hates or kills someone, this is a form of grace too. If He punishes us and makes us revolve in the 8.4 million species of life, this is also grace. He wants us to realise our mistakes, to take the shelter of Guru and God, and always think favourably of them, so as to avoid spiritual transgressions (namaparadha) and to ultimately attain our goal of God-realisation.Revolving in the cycle of birth and death may be considered the jail of the spiritual government to punish us, the prisoners, so that we fully realise our mistakes and work towards attaining God-realisation

In other words, these personalities only have a single-pointed agenda and that is showering grace upon us.

Similary, a true saint neither loves nor hates. He is an embodiment of causeless mercy and grace, therefore whatever he doe is only grace and nothing else. It is, however, impossible for us to fully understand and comprehend his graceful nature due to our ignorance.

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj teaches that the unchanging intention to bestow grace on humanity is at the core of all heavenly deeds performed by God and Saints. The idea of yogamaya, a heavenly power beyond the scope of common knowledge, is used to explain the idea that God and Saints engage in diverse behaviors that could seem banal or even contrary to their lofty status. The grace of God and the Saints is an all-encompassing power that nurtures, uplifts, and guides us on our journey back to divine realisation, just as a mother’s love encompasses both tender care and corrective measures.



Kripalu Maharaj Bhakti
Kripalu Maharaj Bhakti

Written by Kripalu Maharaj Bhakti

Kripalu Maharaj is a renowned spiritual leader, with a mission to share the knowledge and wisdom of Sanatana Dharma with the world.

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